Quality Control at Mokar

Building a competitive advantage through quality management

Beauty starts with the details

We are a professional manufacturer in Mokar, which is why we have a special quality control department to ensure the quality of the products we offer. Our quality control and manufacturing departments work together at every stage and process, including raw materials, welding, sanding, painting, molding, installation and packaging, they work together to ensure the quality of the final product.


Finish checks

The Mokar furniture defects inspection checks the finish of the prodution and gives the detailed report on all possible defects, including the photo and the standard name of the defect. Want to know what the exact elements inspected by Mokar are? Check out our main checklist of the finish defects.

Perfect splicing of imitation wood look

Tighten the screws

All foot plugs are installed

The paint has a smooth surface

The welding position is even

Use fabric correctly

The product size is correct

The finished product is clean

Inspection Details

Mokar is very strict about the quality of our products. We test the safety, performance and appearance of our products from all angles. We will deliver our products to our customers in the best possible condition.

Quantity Available

Test and Measurement

Label Check

Carton Check


Producing quality bottles is a team effort requiring the joint support of the line operators, cleaning and changeover crews, and manufacturing/packaging management. Our inspection technologies provide accurate data readings, and they are backed up by the sharp senses of our inspectors, allowing us to faithfully meet your specifications.

Safeguarding quality is a team effort

Measure the thickness of the material

Detect the error after leveling

Test paint adhesion

Make sure the product is intact before packing